Vanessa Hogle has been involved in the paranormal, in one way or another, for as long as she can remember. From talking to spirits as a child to working with various paranormal groups across the globe as an adult, her experience as a clairvoyant, automatic drawer and remote viewer have enabled her to help, not only individuals, but law enforcement as well. Investigations she has participated in have been featured in The Norman Transcript, on Animal Planet’s television show The Haunted and on the SciFixm.com show Into The Shadows. She is also currently working with the U.K-based team, NP Paranormal, who conduct a Live Stream show once a week. You can learn more about Vanessa and what she does at her blog, hottamalered.blogspot.com.
Connect with Vanessa at:
Web site: hottamalered.blogspot.com
Twitter: twitter.com/VanessaRHogle
Vanessa’s writing talents are featured in the following Haunted Road Media projects: