Listen to Enigma Underground Radio!
Thursday nights is the featured evening for Enigma Underground Radio as we give you all the details of the independent bands we highlight — their background, where they’re playing, and how to find their music — on our LIVE Show at 8:00 PM Eastern. At 11:00 PM that night we play “Chicks Who Wail,” all your favorite female fronted bands who totally rock your ass off, and at midnight is “Midnight Madness.” Friday nights at 9:00 PM Eastern is our Haunting Hour night.
Since 2005, Enigma Underground Radio has provided its listeners with a hard edge in rock and metal laced in mystique. Originally founded as a fan and live event station for The Matrix Online, Enigma Underground has continued to rock on even after The Matrix was unplugged, and now also lets you in on the latest raw indie hard rock to complement our 80s metal tradition.